Tuesday, May 22, 2012


Genetics is the next thing we are going to learn in science class. Therefore, I am going to study it so I can understand it more in depth in class.

Everyone on the planet had genes. Genetics have been with us since the beginning of time. It has even been mentioned in the bible. Greeks always had theories about heredity and why children look like their parents. Gregory Mendel is the discoverer of the gene and the founder of genetics.

In his spare time, Mendel bred pea plants in the monastery gardens. Many pea plants had many different traits, like some were tall, some were short, some pease were smoth, others were wrinkly. Mendel then tried to make hybrids (copies). He did this by snipping the male part of the plants ot prevent selfing. Then he dusted the female part with the desired "Father". Then he tied bags over the flowers to prevent stray pollen from getting into the flowers. Thus, he was able to control the perentage of each generation. His first discovery was that tall plants corssed with short ones produced tall ones, not medium ones. He then concluded that some genes were dominant and some were recessive.http://library.thinkquest.org/3696/index2.htm

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