Immune System
In science, we are now doing the Immune System. I'm going to study the basic definitions and how our cells, tissues and organs work together to defend the body against bacteria. I will learn what the immune system's job is and how it works.According to We are surrounded by billions of bacteria and viruses. And us, as human beings, are like a walking smorgasbord, offering nearly limitless resources that they can use for energy and reproduction.
Before starting, I'm going to study the basic vocabulary we need to know for the unit.
Necessary Vocabulary
Immune system: system that has fights off invading pathogens and preventing spread of cancer
Antigens: a substance that stimulates an immune response
Immunity: resistance to a certain pathogen
Lymph Nodes: filter lymph for bacteria and tumor cells
Lymphatic system: a series of one way vessels; carry intercellular fluid from tissues to bloodstream
Macrophage: a large white blood cell that engulfs pathogens and cellular debris
Lymph: fluid found in the lymphatic system
Natural Killer Cells: a large white blood cell that attacks pathogen-infected cellsand cancer cells
Pathogens: an organism that causes disease
Phagocytes: a cell that engulfs large particles or whole cells
Phagocytosis: a process where a cell engulfs large particles or whole cells
Tonsils: lymphatic tissue near back of throat; traps and removes bacteria and pathogens
What Is the Immune System and What Does It Do?
The immune system defends people against germs every day. In most cases, the immune system is good at keeping people healthy and preventing infections. But sometimes problems with the immune system can lead to illness and infection.
The immune system is the body's defense against infectious organisms and other invaders. Through a series of steps called the immune response, the immune system attacks organisms and substances that invade our systems and cause disease. The immune system is made up of a network of cells, tissues, and organs that work together to protect the body.
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